What is VPS Hosting
VPS hosting stands for a Virtual Private Server, and in its nature is a virtualized server. Basically, the VPS hosting imitates a dedicated server, but within a shared hosting environment. If you as want a hosting between the shared hosting and dedicated hosting, the VPS is the perfect solution for you.
In the hosting industry they are several types of hosting account:
- Shared Hosting
- VPS Hosting
- Dedicated Server Hosting
You can run your website on all of them, but these services exist because of the needs webmasters have. It is much easier to have your sites on a shared hosting - you don't need to install softwares, create account the way you do with the other two hosting types, and so on, but shared hosting is more unsecured and is for small websites, which don't have high tech requirements like CPU, RAM, Disc space, Bandwidth and more.
All these hosting account types have something in common - they all allow you to have your website hosted on a server. The VPS hosting is perfect for small, medium and large corporations and it is also the right choice if you are not having the skills to manage your own server (dedicated server). Of course, some VPS hosting plans come with management, but not all. DeidiCores offers both - managed and unmanaged VSP plans.
What’s the differences between VPS, Shared Hosting and Dedicated Server?
If you get a dedicated server, you rent an entire physical server. This kind of solution is for those who have websites generating a huge amount of traffic or just want to setup and manage a server in a specific way. A dedicated server is not for everyone, just for those who really need it. For example, if you are starting a brand new website, you will probably feel comfortable with a simple shared hosting plan. It will save you money and extra efforts to run your online business. When the website become more popular and large, you will start looking for a bigger plans or VPS. Sometimes even dedicated server, if required. The shared hosting is when an entire server is shared between several accounts - you share Disc space, CPU, RAM and everything else with other people, while VPS is the same, but here you have dedicated resources (Disc space, CPU, RAM and more) just for you. So, the VPS hosting is one great solution if you want to get your online business on the next level.
How does VPS Work?
This is the most common question asked by people, who are not familiar with this king of hosting plan. The whole technology behind the VPS is similar to the VMware or Virtual Box. These programs give you the chance to run different operation systems on one machine using a virtualization method. Lets say that you have a PC that runs Windows XP, but in the same time you ant to have more OS on it - Windows 8, Linux and more. With this technology you don't need to restart your PC in order to switch the OS. That's how does VPS work. Another example could be given with a house where you have your own room.
The Virtualization of the Operating System
Our VPS hosting environments function in the same way. On one physical server we run several different accounts - all with its own dedicated resources. Each of them acts like a dedicated server, allowing you to have all of the benefits of a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost. By having your own space and resources, you will notice the differences.
What are the benefits of VPS Hosting?
VPS gives you the environment of a shared hosting while at the same time giving you more power and control like a dedicated server.
You Have Your Own Privacy
Your data, files and resources are protected and isolated from the others (you are still on the same server). Something that will bring you the peace and quite. Your websites are entirely separated from others.
With a Virtual Private Server you have your own Operating System. This also means that you have your own instances of all server applications such as Apache, PHP, and MySQL. If you need to have any of these services customized, you can make changes to suit the server to your needs.
If you are installing server applications that require a system restart or specific settings, you can do so at any time you want. Your VPS can be restarted and managed the way you need without affecting anyone else during these processes.
Dedicated Resources
On a VPS you have dedicated amounts of RAM, CPU, Disk Space and many more available to you all the time, no matter what. Unlike the shared hosting, there is no one else on your virtual server that can use utilize all the RAM when you need it most. This makes the VPS one level above the regular shared hosting plans.
Do you offer email services?
YES, we do. You can setup an Email with you hosing accounts, created in your VPS.
Do you offer backups on a regular basis?
No, we don't. When you run a VPS on your own, the backupc are a responsibility of the administrator of this VPS.
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