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Category Archives: About Dedicores

Learn more about one of the biggest VPS hosting providers on the net nowadays.

Dedicores – Who we are?

Our VPS Hosting plans are built for speed and scalability. Dedicores is one of the world’s fast-growing VPS hosting providers. We currently offer a wide range of VPS hosting pans (Starter, Business, Optima and Expert), including custom solutions and high-end servers in 6 different countries including Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain and France. Known…
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Why choose DediCores?

Virtual Private Servers with Cloud Linux - Higher uptime and faster security updates The right VPS hosting company that gives you all you need. DediCores is an ultimate VPS hosting provider specially made for small, medium and large corporations. Starting with a few clients, now we host large networks of blogs and websites, generating million…
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